Once we root ourselves in Mulhadara, we need water to grow and thrive…
The root charka is all about grounding in and stabilizing. The sacral chakra, Svadhistana, is where we start of experience movement and FEEL into ourselves and our relationships with others. This is the seat of our emotional identity and our ability to create. Associated with the element water, envision this energy as flowing waterways, constantly in motion.
Svadhistana is located in the space below the navel and the top of the pubic bone - where our reproductive organs reside. This space governs our feelings and has a divine feminine energetic quality also associated with the moon. When you are safely rooted, you can begin to explore how you FEEL in your own skin. You can cultivate healthy intimate relationships – not only romantic – but all relationships – with people and the world you live in. You appreciate and experience the joys this life has to offer.
Just as water flows, our emotions are constantly flowing. Some days our internal waters are calm and clear. Other days the waves are turbulent and can even be destructive. By cultivating balance we can better understand of the polarities of our emotions. If we let our emotions run out of control, our energy overflows - like water released from a damn. A vital river has banks to keep the waters contained and flowing in the desired direction.
The opposite can also happen occur. If we do not feel our emotions are valid or it is not safe to express them, we constrict, and hold everything in. This rigidity, can manifest into anxiety, shame, tension, jealousy. A balance is needed between expressing ourselves and maintaining the banks of our rivers so energy can flow freely.
Our emotions are meant to be felt, expressed, acknowledged and released. In doing so, we can create our own reality and receive the abundant gifts this life has to offer. So how do we do that? Here are some ways we like to connect and bring harmony to Svadhistana…
Inner exploration is extremely effective for balancing the sacral chakra. Put pen to paper and let your emotions flow out. Here are some journal prompts to get you started:
What is your current emotional state?
Do you feel the right to pursue pleasure?
Do you have the right to state your needs sexually, take time off work, and do somethings for sheer enjoyment?
Where do you feel negative emotions in the body? Are you ready to let these emotions go? Why or why not?
What aspect of yourself do you hold sacred?
What is something you could do for yourself today that would bring you pleasure?
Let your shower or bath become a time of sacred connection. Light a candle (or several) and soak in a warm tub. Put in a few drops of your favorite essential oil or mist yourself with our Create essential oil blend curated especially to bring balance to the sacral chakra.
If you don’t enjoy a bath, let your shower be a time of reflection. Pause before stepping in and connect with yourself in the mirror. As you see your reflection, notice the emotions or internal speak that arises. If this is not serving you well, ask the water to wash ways these negative feels and reconnect with the beautiful divine goddess you are!
Play your favorite music, dance, move in any way that feels good - or try this short emotional discharge yoga flow to release.
Prana flows freely throughout my entire being.
I deserve to feel and know pleasure.
I flow with creative energy.
I am sacredly connected to all beings.
I embrace my sexuality.
I deserve to be treated with respect.
I am beautiful, bountiful, divine.
I can close my eyes and sink into my own sacred space.
I release what no longer serves me.