Have you ever heard your yoga teacher say, “ignite your solar plexus” and wonder what the **** she was talking about? Learning about the Chakras has been one of the most empowering deep dives in my yoga journey. For the next few months, I will be sharing an introduction to the seven main chakras and bringing a modern day explanation to this ancient known energetic system. The more we know, the more we can consciously shift our own energy and take control of our wellbeing to live our most radiant life!

To begin, think of your body as a road map or GPS system. Some of the routes are winding back roads and others are large busy highways. These roads are called meridians in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Energy travels along these paths (meridians) like Amazon trucks with packages of information to be delivered to your physical, mental, and emotional self. Now imagine there are certain areas in the body where many roads meet up – like roundabouts. These energetic roundabouts in your body are the chakras - where several meridian merge and flow. In fact, the word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. It is a wheel or vortex of energy in the body.

You have LOTS of chakras but there are seven main ones running along the spine. We will begin our Chakra 101 at the root located at the base of the spine (perineum)…